Local Economic Development and Food Security


Through our economists, market development analysts and agroeconomists and food security experts TaskBridge emphasize supporting local market actors in employment creation by embracing technology and supporting SMEs, start-ups, farmers, and fisheries with business ideas, funding access, and technical support.
We deploy decentralization and local financing experts to assist local authorities embrace non-traditional financing mechanisms, including public-private partnering initiatives for infrastructure funding and resource mobilization.
Through research, technical support and advisory provision, TaskBridge assist its clients develop. 

Our economists, market development analysts and agroeconomics and Food security Experts help our clients in
Market and business development tools

For effective participation in the market and financial systems as well as innovation and technology for system strengthening and security. Our clients are then able to identify and exploit economic opportunities on a scale.

Agriculture and food security innovation and technology

 For climate smart farming and food production practices which are resilient to unpredictable shocks and variability.

Public private partnerships model

To spur growth of client portfolios in various development and humanitarian endeavors in the Horn as well as East and Central Africa regions. We support clients to secure key and effective partnerships by employing multi sectoral contemporary skills to address barriers to trade including laws or bylaws, regulations, licenses, and financial infrastructure hampering trade.

Infrastructures development strategic plan

To  steer and safeguard visions and missions of client organizations in competitive markets and ensure satisfactory enjoyment of desired outcomes.

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